After we got a demo script to run object detection model, we can build a simple webUI within few lines of code.

If you do not familar with a demo script of object detection, please checkout our previous blog.

Table of contents

Building WebUI with Gradio

Gradio is a super-powerful library to build interactive ML web applications. With it, we can build a simple web demo within few lines of code.

# inference demo (object detection)
import gradio as gr

demo_image = "/mnt/data/production_template/DLTK/dlapp_template/scripts/web_app/temp/000560.png" # replace with your image path

def inference(image): # connect to the backend
    # inference logic
    # tag results on image
    return demo_image

demo = gr.Interface(
    fn = inference,
    inputs = gr.Image(height=300),
    outputs = gr.Image(height=300),
    title = "Object Detection Demo",
    description = "This is a simple web demo for object detection."


alt text

Although Gradio provides a lot of UI components, it does not support more customization. Thus, you’d better check Gradio UI components before using it.

Building WebUI with Streamlit

Unlike Gradio, Streamlit is a flexible tool/library to visualize data and build ML web applications. Its code is a little complex than Gradio, but it supports more customizations.

You can check demos and examples on best-of-streamlit.


In this blog, we have learned to build a simple webUI for the object detection model. Usually, Gradio provides more UI components and Streamlit supports more customization. Thus, we recommend using Gradio to build a simple webUI and Streamlit for more complex webUI.


  1. Gradio
  2. Streamlit